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Environment Variable Explanation

System parameters can be controlled through environment variables. Copy env.tmpl to .env and modify the parameters in it.

Some parameter explanations are as follows:

Environment VariableDescription
API_BASE_URLAPI service address (needs modification)
WEB_PORTPort of website
INSTALLATION_MODEInstallation mode (standalone: standard mode; with-doris: Doris integrated mode; with-starrocks: Starrocks integrated mode)
DB_NAMEDatabase name
DB_USERDatabase username
DB_PASSDatabase password
DB_PORTDatabase port
DB_HOSTDatabase address
REDIS_PASSWORDCache service password
WEBAPP_PORTWEB UI service port
NODE_ENVOperating environment: development or production
DEFAULT_LATITUDEDefault latitude
DEFAULT_LONGITUDEDefault longitude
DEFAULT_CURRENCYDefault currency
DEMODemo system