Integrated with Doris
Deploying the Xpert analytics cloud together with Doris cluster in a Docker Cluster can provide a complete solution for data analysis and storage. By deploying the Xpert analytics cloud with Doris cluster in a Docker Cluster, you can achieve integration and collaboration of data analysis and storage. The Xpert analytics cloud provides visual and interactive analysis tools, while the Doris cluster provides high-performance data storage and query capabilities. This deployment method can provide a powerful solution suitable for scenarios requiring large-scale data analysis and queries.
Execute the following command on the host machine:
sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=2000000
Pay attention to some prerequisites and system settings for Doris installation and deployment:
Installation and Deployment
Please download the installation script provided by us:
git clone
Then, in the docker directory, first configure the environment variable file .env
cd installer/docker
cp env.tmpl .env
- Set the value of INSTALLATION_MODE to with-doris
- Other password fields can be reset
Finally, execute the following command to start the service:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-with-doris.yml up -d
Once the service is started, access http://localhost/ to see the login page of the Xpert analytics platform.
1 FE x 1 BE
Deploying one front-end service and one back-end service on a single node, this deployment method is suitable for small-scale data analysis scenarios.
Download the installer project code, and execute the following command in the docker directory to start the service:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-with-doris.yml up -d
3 FE x 3 BE
Deploying three front-end services, three back-end services, and one load-balancing reverse proxy service on a single node, this deployment method is suitable for large-scale data analysis scenarios. The number of services and network structure can be adjusted according to actual needs.
Download the installer project code, and execute the following command in the docker directory to start the service:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-with-doris-fe3xbe3.yml up -d