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๐Ÿ“ˆ Derivative Indicator

In indicator management, derivative indicators refer to indicators derivative from the calculation of original indicator values. Derivative indicators are typically obtained through operations or combinations of original indicators, providing a deeper understanding of the original indicators.

For example, if there is an original indicator called sales revenue, then the growth rate of sales revenue can be calculated as a derivative indicator, which can help us understand the growth of sales revenue.

Derivative indicators can use different units or calculation methods such as ratios to measure original indicators. For example, in sales data, the performance of salespersons can be measured by calculating the ratio of each salesperson's sales revenue to the total sales revenue, which is a derivative indicator.

Derivative Indicatorsโ€‹

Once a indicator is set as a derivative indicator, its content can be expressed through two attributes: calculation formula and aggregation type.

The calculation formula can be entered directly into the input box or written using the pop-up formula editing window.

Calculation Formulas for SQL Modelsโ€‹

Calculation formulas for indicators based on SQL multidimensional models support the use of Measures indicators for calculation. You can open the entity type list on the right side of the formula editing window to drag measures into the editor:

Middle Shadow

The aggregation type determines whether the indicator in the indicator calculation formula is aggregated after calculation or aggregated before calculation. If the derivative indicator has an aggregation type set, the formula is aggregated after calculation. If no aggregation type is set, then the indicator in the formula is aggregated according to its own aggregation type before calculation.

For example, in the above formula, if the derivative indicator has an aggregation type of SUM, then the generated SQL fragment at runtime would be:

SUM("sales_fact"."Sales Amount" - "sales_fact"."Cost")

If this derivative indicator does not have an aggregation type set, then the generated SQL fragment would be:

SUM("sales_fact"."Sales Amount") - SUM("sales_fact"."Cost")

This situation is practical for calculating ratios.

Calculation Formulas for MDX Modelsโ€‹

Derivative indicators based on MDX models can use the MDX language to write calculation formulas for indicators. Since MDX language can implement complex data queries and analysis, derivative indicators based on MDX calculation formulas can achieve complex indicator calculations.

For example, if creating a US Sales Profit Growth Rate indicator, add the US region slicer to the indicator's constraints, and then write the MDX calculation formula as follows:

( Measures.[Profit] - CoalesceEmpty( (Measures.[Profit], [Time].PrevMember), Measures.[Profit] ) ) / CoalesceEmpty( (Measures.[Profit], [Time].PrevMember), Measures.[Profit] )

Derivative Indicator Calculation Formula
Derivative Indicator Calculation Formula


Derivative indicators are crucial in data analysis and management because they help us better understand data and make decisions. For example, derivative indicators can be used to monitor business operations, such as sales revenue growth rates, customer satisfaction, etc., and they can also be used to evaluate employee performance, such as the gap between sales revenue and sales targets.