❄️ Dimension Designer
Managing and analyzing dimensions is one of the most important functions of a multidimensional model. The Dimension Designer helps users define the dimensions, hierarchies, and relationships between dimensions to improve the efficiency of data analysis.
💹 Indicator Management
Before introducing indicator management, let's unify the concepts and terms in our system:
📈 Derivative Indicator
In indicator management, derivative indicators refer to indicators derivative from the calculation of original indicator values. Derivative indicators are typically obtained through operations or combinations of original indicators, providing a deeper understanding of the original indicators.
📐 Indicator Measure
Indicator Measure refers to the measured values limited by the conditions defined in the indicator management system. It can be used in various components just like regular measure fields. The conditions of indicators will not be overridden by the context in the calculation of indicator measures, so some components can only select dimensions from the free dimensions of indicators after selecting indicator measures (if defined).
📝 Indicator Registration
The Indicator Registration page is a functional page used to register individual new indicators or to bulk upload indicator definitions. Below are the main contents and functions of this page:
📱 Indicator Application
The Indicator Application is an application page used to display the indicator data you have permission to access. Users can utilize this application to view, compare, and analyze data from different indicators. Additionally, AI Copilot can assist you in analyzing indicator data.
🔏 Restrictive Condition
The indicator constraints reduce the dimensionality of the dataset and hence the complexity of data analysis by performing slicing, dicing, and combining slices on multidimensional datasets.
🤖 AI Copilot
General Functions of AI Copilot
🧊 Cube Designer
Semantic models of cube are a set of data organized by dimensions and measures. The data view aggregated by cube is a fact table: it contains one or more columns to be measured (aggregated) and also contains columns for identifying events associated with related dimension members.
🧪 Query Laboratory
Query Laboratory provides the functionality to flexibly manipulate data source entities (physical table views or multidimensional datasets) using query statements, assisting users in their daily data operation and maintenance work.
🛒 Indicator Market
The indicator market is an important part of the indicator management system. Its main function is to provide a platform for users to publish, search, share, and subscribe to indicators.
How to Analyze SAP BW Data Model
SAP BW (SAP Business Warehouse) is an enterprise data warehouse system developed by SAP, designed to support data analysis and decision-making in businesses. It is an integrated, enterprise-level solution that consolidates data from different systems into a single data repository. The data model of SAP BW adopts a star schema, where data is stored in a central repository and can be efficiently queried and analyzed. Data can be collected from multiple sources, including SAP applications and other external systems. SAP BW also supports multidimensional analysis and data mining capabilities, enabling efficient data analysis using OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) technology.
Moving Average
Moving Average (MA) is a tool used in technical analysis to analyze time series data. It is commonly used to calculate the average of variables such as stock prices, returns, or trading volumes. The moving average can reflect long-term trends or cycles, and mathematically, it is also known as a rolling average or convolution.
SAP(System Applications and Products)是全球领先的企业应用软件供应商,其数据相关的产品和解决方案涵盖了数据管理、数据分析、商业智能、数据集成等多个领域。以下是一些主要的 SAP 数据相关产品:
1. What is SAP BPC
SAP BW Calendar Dimension
Introduction to the Calendar Dimension