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❄️ Dimension Designer

Managing and analyzing dimensions is one of the most important functions of a multidimensional model. The Dimension Designer helps users define the dimensions, hierarchies, and relationships between dimensions to improve the efficiency of data analysis.


The planning and construction of dimensions are important technical standards for measuring multidimensional models, followed by the ability of indicator management from a business perspective. Without good dimension management, there is no good indicator management, and finally, there is good visualization display capability.

There are two ways to create dimensions:

  • Inline dimensions;
  • Shared dimensions;

Inline Dimensions

Inline dimensions refer to creating dimensions directly in the multidimensional dataset editing interface. The created dimensions can only be used by the current multidimensional dataset and cannot be referenced by other multidimensional datasets.

For more details, refer to Cube Designer #Dimensions.

Shared Dimensions

Shared dimensions refer to dimensions in a multidimensional data model that are shared by many multidimensional datasets. This design ensures data consistency and repeatability while reducing the cost of data storage and maintenance. Shared dimensions can be shared by multiple multidimensional datasets, and each multidimensional dataset can choose different dimension hierarchies and dimension members. Using shared dimensions can standardize dimension data and management.

A dimension can create one or more hierarchies.

Operational steps: Click the New button in the entity title bar, or drag the data table to the model entity area to open the dimension creation window, and select the type as dimension.

Create shared dimension
Create shared dimension
  • Type: Multidimensional Dataset;
  • Name: The unique technical name of the multidimensional dataset;
  • Label: The language description of the multidimensional dataset;
  • Table: Dimension physical table
    • Primary Key: The primary key field of the dimension table;
    • Visible: The default level field enabled by the dimension;
    • Label: The language description of the dimension physical table field;
    • Field: The technical name of the dimension physical table field;

The shared dimension editing interface has a more intuitive functional interface for richer data than inline dimensions. The dimension interface is divided into 4 functional areas:

  • Lower left, Dimension Tables: Dimension physical tables that have been added, dragged from the data table area;
  • Lower right, Dimension Tables Join: Edit the relationship between dimension tables;
  • Upper left, Levels: List of created dimension levels, dragged from the dimension table area;
  • Upper right, Dimension Data Preview: Preview dimension data determined by the created levels.

Edit properties:

  • Click the more button on the left side of the navigation bar, select (edit) dimension, and set the dimension properties in the property editing interface;
  • Click the more button on the hierarchy tab, select (edit) hierarchy, set the properties of the hierarchy in the property editing interface, and can also set the properties of the dimension;
  • Click the selected level, set the properties of the level in the property editing interface;

Dimension Properties

Dimension properties set some basic information of the dimension. Detailed list

PropertyEnglish NameDescriptionOptional values
NameNameUnique name identifier for the dimensionGenerally use English characters
LabelCaptionDimension language descriptionUser language
DescriptionDescriptionLong text descriptionUser language
Fact foreign keyFact foreign keyFact table foreign key associated with the dimension, this property is available for inline dimensionsFact physical table field
Dimension TypeDimension TypeExcept normal types, it is the Time dimension type
Default HierarchyDefault HierarchyDefault hierarchy
SemanticsSemanticsDimension semantics, enhance dimension expression capabilitySemantics settings

Hierarchies and Levels

  • Hierarchy
  • Level

Hierarchy shows the relationship between column groups in the dimension table. For example, quarters contain months, and months contain days. Using hierarchies can drill down in reports.

A dimension can have one or more hierarchies. Hierarchies usually start from the total level, then child levels, and finally divide into the lowest detailed level.

All hierarchies of a dimension must have a common lowest level. For example, the time dimension can include a fiscal hierarchy and a calendar hierarchy, and day serves as the common lowest level. The day has two named parents (called fiscal year and calendar year), both of which are children of the All root level.

All levels except the total level must have at least one column specified as a key or display column. However, not all columns in the table need to be explicitly associated with the level. Any column not associated with a level will be associated with the lowest level in the hierarchy (corresponding to the dimension table).

There is no limit to the number of levels that can be included in a hierarchy. The total number of levels itself is not a determinant factor of query performance. However, note that even a few levels can affect performance for extremely complex queries.

Creating Hierarchies

Click the New button in the hierarchy navigation bar of the dimension to create a hierarchy.

  • Open the property interface and edit the hierarchy properties: See the following
  • Drag the physical table name from the data table to the dimension table area to add it as a dimension table for the hierarchy structure.
    • One or more dimension tables can be added.
    • When multiple dimension tables are added to the dimension table, the right dimension table relationship design interface will automatically open, or can be opened manually to select the relationship between the tables and add new left and right associations to associate the dimension tables.

Hierarchy Properties

The property list of all hierarchies

PropertyEnglish NameDescriptionOptional values
NameNameUnique name identifier for the hierarchyGenerally use English characters
LabelCaptionLanguage description for the hierarchyUser language
DescriptionDescriptionLong text descriptionUser language
VisibleVisibleWhether visible to users
Has All MemberHas All MemberWhether there is an All member. If there is, the hierarchy will contain a default All member at this level, which will be the first level
All Member NameAll Member NameReplace the default generated All member name
All Member CaptionAll Member CaptionLabel of the All member
All Level NameAll Level NameName of the All level
Dimension TablesDimension TablesDimension tablePhysical table array
Primary KeyPrimary KeySelect a field of the dimension table as the primary key of the hierarchy
Primary Key TablePrimary Key TableWhen the number of dimension tables exceeds one, specify

one table as the main table of the dimension | | | Default Member | Default Member | When no dimension member is specified in the query, use the default member to limit the dimension | |

Creating Levels

  • Drag the fields from the dimension table to the level area in sequence, from coarse-grained fields to fine-grained fields, or adjust the order of fields in the level area.
  • Drag level fields:
    1. Adjust the order between levels.
    2. Drag back to the dimension table area to remove the level.
    3. Drag to the delete icon to remove it.
  • Select the level and open the property interface to set the properties of this level: See the property list below;

Level Properties

The property list of all levels

PropertyEnglish NameDescriptionOptional values
NameNameUnique name identifier for the levelGenerally use English characters
LabelCaptionLanguage descriptionUser language
DescriptionDescriptionLong text descriptionUser language
VisibleVisibleWhether visible to users
Unique MembersUnique MembersThis property is used to optimize SQL generation. If you know that the values of a given level column in the dimension table are unique among all other values of that column in the parent level, set it to "true", otherwise set it to "false".
ColumnColumnField corresponding to the level of the data table, as the primary key of the level
TypeTypeDatabase type corresponding to the level field, which helps the engine generate correct execution statements
Name ColumnName ColumnOutput ID of the level members, if not set, the member ID is by default composed of the value of Column
Caption ColumnCaption ColumnOutput Caption of the level members, if Caption Column is not set, the member caption is taken from Name Column, and if Name Column is not set, it is taken from the value of Column
Ordinal ColumnOrdinal ColumnField determining the order of level members
Parent ColumnParent ColumnWhen the record of the data table is hierarchical, setting the parent column can generate a tree-like member structure
Null Parent ValueNull Parent ValueThe value that determines whether the parent member exists, default is null, but some databases do not support null values, so it needs to be specified as empty string, 0 or -1 instead
TableTableWhen the hierarchy structure is composed of multiple tables, specify a table name for the level
Level Time TypeLevel Time TypeWhen the dimension is a time type, set the time type (indicating the granularity of time) for each level
Hide Member IfHide Member IfCondition for hiding members. If a hierarchy has one or more levels with hidden members, not all leaf members are equidistant from the root, resulting in a serrated hierarchy.
SemanticsSemanticsThe semantics of dimension levels, enhance the expression capability of dimension levelsSemantic settings
Key ExpressionKey ExpressionExpression
Name ExpressionName ExpressionExpression
Caption ExpressionCaption ExpressionExpression
Ordinal ExpressionOrdinal ExpressionExpression
Parent ExpressionParent ExpressionExpression
ClosureClosureWhen there are hierarchical relationships between levels on the dimension, a closure table can be set to improve the efficiency of SQL execution1. Table; 2. Parent field; 3. Child field;
PropertyPropertyProperty list of the level1. Property name; 2. Property field; 3. Property expression

Ordinal Column

The Ordinal Column is used to sort level members, for example, the ordinal column of months can be the number of months.

The Ordinal Column attribute specifies a column in the Hierarchy table that provides the order of the members in a given level, while the nameColumn specifies a column that will be displayed.


Using SQL expressions can replace field settings to express richer calculation functions. For example, the description field of the Month level can use the following expression to concatenate the year and month for display:

CONCAT("the_year",' ',"the_month")

Note that SQL expression syntax should be consistent with the actual database syntax executed.

Closure Table

When a level is set with a parent field, the members of this level are hierarchical. Uncertain depth of parent-child members will bring challenges to performance when calculating summary values. In this case, a closure table can be set for the parent-child relationship table to improve the performance of summary value calculation.

The closure table is a SQL table, such as an employee closure table that contains records of the relationship between each employee/supervisor (all superior supervisors, regardless of depth). (In mathematical terms, this is called the "reflexive transitive closure" of the employee/supervisor relationship. The distance column is not strictly required, but it makes the filling table easier.)


The properties are set as shown in the figure below

Semantic Settings

  • Semantic Type
  • Calendar Formatting

Currently, only Calendar semantics are supported.


In the Dimension Designer, each hierarchy can preview dimensional data in the preview area, allowing users to verify the correctness of the dimensional data.

There are two ways to preview dimensional data:

  • Table: Display dimensional data in tabular form;
  • Tree: Display the hierarchical relationship of dimension members in a tree structure;
Dimension Members Preview Table
Preview Table

Tree Preview

The multidimensional engine divides the hierarchical relationship between dimension members according to the order of levels in the hierarchy, forming a tree structure for display:

  • Level Sequence: Sequential numbering of levels.
  • Each level is displayed as a column, with the column name being the level's name.
  • Number of Child Nodes: The number of child nodes under each node, with the lowest level nodes having no child nodes.
  • All Member Levels: When the hierarchy is set with the "All Member" attribute, an "All Member" node will be displayed at the top level of the tree structure.
Dimension Members Preview Tree
Preview Tree

In practical use, metric values will be aggregated and calculated based on this tree structure's relationships with dimensional data.