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Certification refers to a recognition label provided in the system for data quality. Through certification, data users can ensure that their data has undergone relevant quality assurance measures, thereby enhancing the credibility and availability of the data.


User Role: Admin

When using the certification feature, users can follow these steps:

  1. Create Certification: Click the "New Certification" button on the certification management page in settings, enter certification name, description, responsible person, and other relevant information, then click "Save" to create.

Currently, certification can be applied to indicators in the system, and support for certifying other data objects will be available in future versions.

  1. Assign Certification to Projects: On the project management page, click the "Add Certification" button, select the certification to add, then click "Save" to assign.

  2. Indicator Certification: On the indicator editing page, click the certification selection box on the indicator row, choose the certification, then click "Save" to certify.

By using the certification feature, users can have greater confidence in the accuracy and integrity of the data, thereby facilitating more effective data analysis and business decision-making.