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Tenant Configuration

Global Configuration of Tenant Space.

Page Permissions: Super Admin role

tenant_titleXpert Analytics CloudTitle name (Default) for website tenant
tenant_title_zh-Hans元数分析云Chinese title name for website tenant
tenant_title_[lang]Xpert Analytics CloudThe website title under certain language represented by language code after the name
fileStorageProviderlocalLocal disk storage on the server
OSSAlibaba Cloud OSS as storage service
S3AWS S3 as storage service
aliyun_default_regionsuch as oss-cn-shanghaiDefault region for Alibaba Cloud OSS provider when fileStorageProvider=OSS
aliyun_bucketxxxBucket for Alibaba Cloud OSS provider when fileStorageProvider=OSS
aliyun_access_key_idxxxAccess key ID for Alibaba Cloud OSS provider when fileStorageProvider=OSS
aliyun_access_key_secretxxxAccess key secret for Alibaba Cloud OSS provider when fileStorageProvider=OSS
aws_default_regionxxxDefault region for AWS S3 provider when fileStorageProvider=S3
aws_bucketxxxBucket for AWS S3 provider when fileStorageProvider=S3
aws_access_key_idxxxAccess key ID for AWS S3 provider when fileStorageProvider=S3
aws_secret_access_keyxxxSecret access key for AWS S3 provider when fileStorageProvider=S3
agent-local-url[domain]:20215(Private) Configuration of client agent

Client Agent

Use environment variable agent-local-url to specify the address and port number of the client agent for the tenant;

  1. Download and install client agent software, run it on a server with a fixed IP or domain name;
  2. Configure the IP or domain name of this server and port to the tenant configuration variable agent-local-url;