User Management
The user account management feature allows you to manage user accounts under a tenant, set permissions, and assign organizations.
User Account Management
- Create Account: Click the New button to create a user account, enter account information in the pop-up window, and click apply to create the account;
- Search Account: Enter criteria in the search box to filter accounts;
- Delete Account: Click the delete button at the top right of the account card to delete the account;
- Modify Account: Click the account username to go to the account maintenance page
- Basic Information: Modify the basic information of the account and click save;
- Add Organization: Add this account to an organization, an account can be added to multiple organizations;
- Remove Organization: Remove this account from an organization;
The invitation feature allows you to invite users to become members of the tenant organization and open an account for them. Users only need to receive an account activation email in their mailbox and click to activate.