Tenant Organization Management. Tenants can create multiple organizations for enterprises, which are used to isolate and manage related employees and data permissions.
Page Permissions: Super Admin role
Manage Organizations
- Create Organization: Click the add button to create an organization, enter the organization name, default currency, default date type, and other basic information, and click apply to create the organization;
- Delete Organization: Check a row of organizations, click the delete button to delete the organization;
- Modify Organization: Check a row of organizations, click the manage button to go to the organization maintenance interface, modify the corresponding attributes, and click save to modify the organization properties;
Edit Organization
- Avatar: Upload an image as the organization's avatar;
- Main Attributes: Modify the organization name, whether it is default, whether it is enabled, and other basic information;
- Demo Data: Click the demo data button to add some demo data to the organization for quickly understanding the system functions;
- GitHub Repository: Import demo data from GitHub repository;
- Aliyun OSS: Import demo data from Alibaba Cloud OSS;
- Others: Import demo data from other file links;
Generating demo data will delete previous related data, please use with caution.